Inn & Leisure Center

The Karl-Wirt is located just behind the Weizklamm gorge at the entrance to Almenland in St. Kathrein am Offenegg. Here, Styrian cuisine is combined with coziness and good entertainment. The large rooms make the inn ideal for family celebrations, company parties, excursions and events of all kinds in Eastern Styria.

Besonders stolz ist Familie Häusler auf ihre eigenen Almenland-Forellen. Natürlich gibt es die Regenbogenforellen im Gasthaus serviert oder "ab Hof" zu kaufen.

The Gasthaus Karl-Wirt offers fun for young and old:

  • three bowling alleys
  • Children's go-karts, pedal go-karts, electric go-karts
  • Laser shooting cinema, darts facility
  • Ice rink with ice skating rink & 12 ice rinks for curling
  • Hüpfburgen Almenland
  • Almenland-Fish tour with tasting
  • Guided tour of the Mühlental (hike through the Mühlental)

The Karl-Wirt is barrier-free, handicapped accessible and child-friendly and is also an ideal excursion destination in bad weather.

The entry point to the Mühlental hiking trail is also at Gasthaus Karl-Wirt, where you can visit a completely renovated foam mill. A guided hike through the Mühlental valley is also offered here, which can be combined with a Almenland fish tour or a meal at the inn.

Current opening hours

Mühlental guided tour & Almenlandfisch guided tour with smoked fish tasting

The Almenland fish tour begins at the fish ponds, where the rainbow trout are bred sustainably and free from genetic engineering in fresh Almenland spring water. The tour continues to the smokehouse, where Bernhard Häusler explains what is important for perfect fish smoking and you can also take a look inside the larch smoker. The tour ends with a smoked fish tasting (including white bread). Children can use the pedal go-karts and playgrounds free of charge during the tour!

Bei der Mühlental (Führung) Wanderung wandern sie durch das Tal der Mühlen. Wo sie verschiedenste Mühlen an Originalplätzen bestaunen dürfen. Von der Steinmauer bis zu komplett restaurierten Mühlen. Bei der Winkelbauermühle können sie die Mühle auch von innen besichtigen und wir erklären ihnen das Handwerk den Müllers. Vom Korn zum Mehl, wir zeigen es ihnen.

Almenland Fisch Verkostung:

  • All year round
  • € 6.00 per person, children up to 6 years free
  • GenussCardfree tasting
  • WinterCard Oststeiermark: free guided tour
  • only takes place with advance reservation for groups of 8 people or more
  • Tasting is possible in all weathers

Guided tour of the Mühlental

  • € 3,00 per person
  • Duration approx. 1 hour
  • Free guided tour followed by a meal in the restaurant
  • only takes place with advance reservation for groups of 8 people or more

Telephone registration at:
+43 3179 / 85 00

Come by for a JUMP!

Ein Hüpfburgenland steht beim Gasthaus Karl-Wirt in St. Kathrein am Offenegg. Das Besondere: auf 9 neuen Hüpfburgen mit einer Netto-Fläche von mehr als 400 Quadratmeter kann gehüpft, geklettert und gesprungen werden. Die Hüpfburgen sind bis zu 6 Meter hoch und bieten alles, was Kinderherzen höher schlagen lässt: Rutschen, Klettertürme und Hindernisse in den verschiedenen, abwechslungsreichen Hüpfburgen. Auch für die jüngeren Kinder von 2 bis 4 Jahren ist eine kleinere Hüpfburg reserviert.

The bouncy castle land will be open in the outdoor area directly in front of the inn from Wednesday to Sunday, in good weather from April to October.

Opening hours & prices 2025:

  • Wednesday to Saturday from 11.00 a.m., Sunday from 10.00 a.m.
  • only in good weather
  • € 6,00 per child 
  • GenussCardfree admission Wednesday to Saturday

You can find more information about the bouncy castles Almenland here!

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Leisure center Karl-Wirt
Owner Bernhard Häusler

Schmied in der Weiz 159
8171 St. Kathrein am Offenegg
Phone: 0043 3179/8500
E-mail: info (at)

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