Spiritual things from the nature park

Traditional brandies and liqueurs are made from wild fruits and old orchard fruit varieties. However, our producers also try to distil new creations and move away from "traditional" brandies.

Typical of the Almenland is the rowan berry brandy, which is made from the wild rowan berries that grow here. Some companies also offer a distillery tour and tasting.

Fine brandies, liqueurs, jams & gifts - Edelbrennerei Graf

One of the top addresses for very special brandies is the Graf family's distillery in St. Kathrein am Offenegg. Daniela and Michael Graf specialize in distillates made from berries, wild fruits and old pome fruit varieties. The brandies made from rowan berries, known locally as "rowan berries", are a particular specialty. The Graf family's efforts to achieve outstanding quality have already been recognized.

Graf distillery

Zeil 18
8171 St. Kathrein am Offenegg
Phone: 0043 664/2133243
E-mail: graf (at) almenland.at
Web: www.almschnaps.at

Fine brandies, liqueur, Almenland Organic herbal hay

Schwaiger family

Straßeggberg 27
8616 Gasen
Telefon: 0043 664/5014340
E-Mail: willi.schwaiger (at) almenland .at

Wine, schnapps

Family Zünterl

Fladnitz/Teichalm 20
8163 Fladnitz/Teichalm
Phone: 0043 664/9174791
E-mail: stefan.zuenterl (at) gmx.net