Here you will find the most important information!

The clear winter air and the breathtaking view of the snow-covered mountain landscape make the ski trip an unforgettable experience.

You will find the following lifts & trails in the nature park Almenland:

In the event of heavy snowfall, please contact the road maintenance department in advance to find out whether snow chains are required or whether roads are closed:

  • Sommeralmstraße & Teichalm (from Fladnitz)
    Phone: 0043 (0)3172 / 23 330
  • Strassegg & Teichalm (from Breitenau)
    Phone: 0043 (0)3862 / 53 50 50

And here you can look directly onto the ski slopes:

Webcam / Weather / Panorama

Webcams and panorama

All webcams and weather data for the Almenland Nature Park region, for the best overview.

to the webcams

Teichalm lifts on the Teichalm

Opening hours:

  • Open continuously from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Snow depth in cm (mountain / valley):

  • 30 / 30

Lifts in operation:

  • 2 of 2 lifts are open
  • 3 of 3 Wonder Carpets are open
  • Tobogganing is possible at the edge of the piste

Contact Teichalm lifts:

  • 0043 (0)664 / 15 21 580
  • 0043 (0)3179 / 71 77
  • More information to the elevator

Pirstingerkogellift on the Sommeralm

Opening hours:

  • Open continuously from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Snow depth in cm (mountain / valley):

  • 60 / 40

Lifts in operation:

  • Lifts & magic carpet are open.
  • Die Rodelbahn ist geöffnet.
  • Ski and toboggan rental is linked to the lift opening times.

Contact Pirstingerkogllift:

Holzmeister lifts on the Sommeralm

Opening hours:

  • Open continuously from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Snow depth in cm (mountain / valley):

  • 35 / 35

Lifts in operation:

  • 2 of 2 lifts open

Contact Holzmeisterlift:

Eibisberg lift on the Eibisberg

The Eibisberg lift is closed.
This lift is only open when there is sufficient natural snow!

Snow depth in cm (mountain / valley):

  • 0 / 0

Lifts in operation:

  • The elevator is not in operation

Contact Eibisberglift:

Cross-country skiing

Alle Loipen sind geschlossen!
Aktuell ist die Schneelage noch nicht ausreichend, um die Loipen in Betrieb zu nehmen. 

The Almenland trails:

  • the Sommeralm trail between the Teichalm and the Sommeralm (classic & skating)
  • the Hochmoor trail around the Teichalm (classic & skating)

Tickets are available at all lifts, guest houses and the Reisinger snow sports school on the Teichalm.

The appropriate equipment can be rented from the Reisinger snow sports school.


  • Phone: 0043 (0)3179 / 71 77 or
  • Telephone: 0043 (0)3179 / 23 000 (MO - FR; 08.00 - 16.00)

Trail map & tickets

Tobogganing & magic carpets:

  • Tobogganing is possible at the Teichalm lifts without ascent assistance.
  • Tobogganing is currently not possible at the Holzmeisterlift.
  • Die Rodelbahn beim Pirstingerkogllift ist geschlossen, der Rodelverleih ist an den Liftbetrieb gekoppelt.

Winter hiking trails:

Here you will find all information about the winter hiking trails & snowshoe hikes.

Eastern Styria Winter needle

Enjoy winter in Eastern Styria with the SummitLynx app: Go hiking, visit lifts & cross-country ski trails, collect points and collect the Oststeiermark Winter Needle at the Almenland office!

to the digital Almenland hiking pin

to the SummitLynx app

Touring skiers:

Ascent along the slopes and descent on the slopes is not possible, a day ticket must be purchased!

Ice skating:

  • Ice skating on the Teichalmsee is not possible, entering is prohibited!
  • Ice rink Karl-Wirt leisure center in St. Kathrein am Offenegg is open!
    Ice skate rental, curling rental, ice skating aids on site.
    Phone: 0043 (0)3179 / 85 00
  • Ice rink in Passail (at Gasthaus Hulfeld) is open!
    Phone: 0043 (0)3179 / 23 300
  • Ice rink in Breitenau am Hochlantsch closed
    Phone: 0043 (0)664 / 354 35 13
  • Ice rink in Koglhof is open!
    Phone: 0043 (0)676 / 604 59 29

All further information about ice skating can be found here.

Ski & equipment rental

Almi Ski School Karl Eder

  • Ski & snowboard equipment
  • at the Holzmeister lifts

8171 St. Kathrein/Offenegg 3
Phone: 0043 3179/8235
Mobile: 0043 664/4323948
E-Mail: karleder (at) me. com

Snow sports school Franz Reisinger

  • Skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing & cross-country skiing equipment
  • next to the Teichalm lifts

Teichalm 122
8163 Fladnitz/Teichalm
Phone: 0043 3179/20105
Mobile: 0043 664/2559795
E-Mail: office (at) ski-teichalm. com

Here we have summarized all important information about the winter sports like skiing, ice skating and sledding.

To the translation

Itt összefoglaltunk minden fontos információt a téli sportokról, mint a síelés, korcsolyázás és szánkózás.

A fordításhoz

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