- Hiking
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- Other sports
- Skiing
- Cross-country skiing
- Tobogganing
- Snowshoe and winter hiking
- Ice skating and ice climbing
- Winter sports news
- Nature excursion destinations
- Experiences in the Almenland
- Active excursion destinations
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- Cities around the Almenland
- Further excursion destinations
- Vacation at home
Here you will find the most important information!
The clear winter air and the breathtaking view of the snow-covered mountain landscape make the ski trip an unforgettable experience.
You will find the following lifts & trails in the nature park Almenland:
- Teichalmifte: open all day
- Pirstingerkogellift: open continuously
- Holzmeisterlift: open all day
- Eibisberg lift: still closed
- All trails are still closed
In the event of heavy snowfall, please contact the road maintenance department in advance to find out whether snow chains are required or whether roads are closed:
- Sommeralmstraße & Teichalm (from Fladnitz)
Phone: 0043 (0)3172 / 23 330 - Strassegg & Teichalm (from Breitenau)
Phone: 0043 (0)3862 / 53 50 50
And here you can look directly onto the ski slopes:
Teichalm lifts on the Teichalm
Opening hours:
- Open continuously from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Snow depth in cm (mountain / valley):
- 30 / 30
Lifts in operation:
- 2 of 2 lifts are open
- 3 of 3 Wonder Carpets are open
- Tobogganing is possible at the edge of the piste
Contact Teichalm lifts:
- 0043 (0)664 / 15 21 580
- 0043 (0)3179 / 71 77
- More information to the elevator
Pirstingerkogellift on the Sommeralm
Opening hours:
- Open continuously from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Snow depth in cm (mountain / valley):
- 60 / 40
Lifts in operation:
- Lifts & magic carpet are open.
- Die Rodelbahn ist geöffnet.
- Ski and toboggan rental is linked to the lift opening times.
Contact Pirstingerkogllift:
- 0043 (0)3179 / 81 104
- More information to the elevator
Holzmeister lifts on the Sommeralm
Opening hours:
- Open continuously from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Snow depth in cm (mountain / valley):
- 35 / 35
Lifts in operation:
- 2 of 2 lifts open
Contact Holzmeisterlift:
- 0043 (0)3179 / 71 41
- 0043 (0)3866 / 22 17
- More information to the elevator
Eibisberg lift on the Eibisberg
The Eibisberg lift is closed.
This lift is only open when there is sufficient natural snow!
Snow depth in cm (mountain / valley):
- 0 / 0
Lifts in operation:
- The elevator is not in operation
Contact Eibisberglift:
- 0043 (0)664 / 5 06 016
- More information to the elevator
Cross-country skiing
Alle Loipen sind geschlossen!
Aktuell ist die Schneelage noch nicht ausreichend, um die Loipen in Betrieb zu nehmen.
The Almenland trails:
- the Sommeralm trail between the Teichalm and the Sommeralm (classic & skating)
- the Hochmoor trail around the Teichalm (classic & skating)
Tickets are available at all lifts, guest houses and the Reisinger snow sports school on the Teichalm.
The appropriate equipment can be rented from the Reisinger snow sports school.
- Phone: 0043 (0)3179 / 71 77 or
- Telephone: 0043 (0)3179 / 23 000 (MO - FR; 08.00 - 16.00)
Tobogganing & magic carpets:
- Tobogganing is possible at the Teichalm lifts without ascent assistance.
- Tobogganing is currently not possible at the Holzmeisterlift.
- Die Rodelbahn beim Pirstingerkogllift ist geschlossen, der Rodelverleih ist an den Liftbetrieb gekoppelt.
Winter hiking trails:
Here you will find all information about the winter hiking trails & snowshoe hikes.
Eastern Styria Winter needle
Enjoy winter in Eastern Styria with the SummitLynx app: Go hiking, visit lifts & cross-country ski trails, collect points and collect the Oststeiermark Winter Needle at the Almenland office!
Touring skiers:
Ascent along the slopes and descent on the slopes is not possible, a day ticket must be purchased!
Ice skating:
- Ice skating on the Teichalmsee is not possible, entering is prohibited!
- Ice rink Karl-Wirt leisure center in St. Kathrein am Offenegg is open!
Ice skate rental, curling rental, ice skating aids on site.
Phone: 0043 (0)3179 / 85 00
- Ice rink in Passail (at Gasthaus Hulfeld) is open!
Phone: 0043 (0)3179 / 23 300
- Ice rink in Breitenau am Hochlantsch closed
Phone: 0043 (0)664 / 354 35 13
- Ice rink in Koglhof is open!
Phone: 0043 (0)676 / 604 59 29
All further information about ice skating can be found here.
Ski & equipment rental
Almi Ski School Karl Eder
- Ski & snowboard equipment
- at the Holzmeister lifts
8171 St. Kathrein/Offenegg 3
Phone: 0043 3179/8235
Mobile: 0043 664/4323948
E-Mail: karleder (at) me. com
Web: www.der-wilde-eder.at
Snow sports school Franz Reisinger
- Skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing & cross-country skiing equipment
- next to the Teichalm lifts
Teichalm 122
8163 Fladnitz/Teichalm
Phone: 0043 3179/20105
Mobile: 0043 664/2559795
E-Mail: office (at) ski-teichalm. com
Web: www.ski-teichalm.com

Here we have summarized all important information about the winter sports like skiing, ice skating and sledding.

Itt összefoglaltunk minden fontos információt a téli sportokról, mint a síelés, korcsolyázás és szánkózás.
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