Added value & regionality
More than 20 years after it was first registered with the Styrian Heimatwerk in 1998, there is now a new Almenland everyday dirndl. During its development, particular emphasis was placed on regional value creation. The fabric comes from manufacturers in Styria, production and sales take place directly in the region - unique for a genuine traditional costume.
Under the project management of regional development manager Michaela Hirtler from the Almenland office, the Almenland everyday dirndl was developed together with Elisabeth Pirchheim from the Puch bei Weiz traditional costume workshop, the two master tailors Maria Pöllabauer and Maria Luise Reisinger, as well as the local culinary and textile supplier in Passail, Andreas Reisinger from the Reisinger department store.
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Variety of colors from the nature park Almenland
Purple, green, brown and blue - the colors of the Almenland everyday costume have not changed. After all, they symbolize nature and the exciting change of seasons in the beautiful Almenland nature park. The bright purple represents the typical crocuses that sprout from the meadows in spring. The green symbolizes the lush meadows and shady forests, while the brown reflects autumn and its colors. The deep blue resembles the cool winters with their frozen streams and lakes in the Almenland nature park.
Arnica blossom as a distinguishing mark
The Almenland everyday costume combines all the beauty of the Almenland nature park. In addition to the more modern design, the Almenland dirndl is now also available in a wide variety of colors . Whereas the body used to be exclusively brown, all four Almenland colors may now be used for the top and smock. Only the apron must be exclusively purple, brown and blue, as green is not used as an apron color in a real traditional costume.
Almost a little inconspicuous, an arnica flower adorns the dirndl near the back neckline as a completely new accessory. The small alpine flower is something like the distinguishing mark of the Almenland costume. The six petals symbolize the six Almenland communities of Fladnitz an der Teichalm, Passail, St. Kathrein am Offenegg, Gasen, Breitenau am Hochlantsch and Pernegg an der Mur, while the two leaves of the flower stand for the districts of Birkfeld and Anger.
Almenland-Costume with certificate of authenticity
Of course, the "authenticity" of the Almenland costume is documented with a certificate from the Heimatwerk.
Traditional costume with regional added value
But the Almenland dirndl is not only rooted in the region in terms of color. The development team attached great importance to regional value creation. The fabric for the Almenland costume is sourced from the "Steyrische Zeugdruckerei" company in Vasoldsberg, the dirndl is made in our traditional costume workshop in Puch b. Weiz and then sold again in the region at the Reisinger department store. As far as I know, there is no other traditional costume that relies so heavily on genuine regional added value," explains Elisabeth Pirchheim proudly.
The Almenland everyday dirndl is now available at the Reisinger department store in Passail. Together with Trachtenschmiede Weiz, various models in different sizes have been designed that are affordable for every traditional costume lover. You can put together your very own Almenland dirndl using a modular system : Body, smock and apron can each be chosen from three different colors.
This makes the Almenland everyday dirndl more versatile than ever and perfectly emphasizes the individuality of its wearer. With the Almenland traditional gilet, the Reisinger department store also offers a piece of traditional costume for men . A new Janker to go with it is already in the works.
Fabrics & tailors
Styrian Heimatwerk | Paulustorgasse 4 8010 Graz | 0043 316/827106 |
Trachtenschmiede Elisabeth Pirchheim | Puch 94 8182 Puch near Weiz | 0043 3177/20316 |
Maria Pöllerbauer | 8616 Gasen | 0043 3171/20067 |
Marialuise Reisinger | Arzberg 149a 8162 Passail | 0043 664/73907752 |
Information and questions:
Almenland Regionsentwicklungs GmbH
GF Michaela Hirtler
Fladnitz 100
8163 Fladnitz/Teichalm
Phone: 0043 (0)664 / 35 04 120
E-mail: michaela.hirtler (at) almenland. at
Points of sale:
Styrian Heimatwerk
Paulustorgasse 4
8010 Graz
Phone: 0043 316/827106
Puch 94
8182 Puch near Weiz
Phone: 0043 3177/20316
E-Mail: office (at) traumi-traudi. com
"Modular system" Almenland-Dirndl