Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
Nature Park Office Almenland
Fladnitz 100
8163 Fladnitz/Teichalm
Phone: 0043 (0)3179 / 23000-0
Fax: 0043 (0)3179 / 23000-20
E-mail: info@almenland.at
Web: www.almenland.at
Arts and crafts
Arts and crafts products
The arts and crafts products are unique, handcrafted items made according to our own designs. Discover the variety of artists in our region. The products are sold at fairs (for example at the Almenland fair) or at Christmas markets.Christmas markets presented.
Below you can see some of the artisans in the nature park Almenland:
Wayside crosses in the nature park
Years ago, Franz Ederer set himself the task of preserving the shape of the crosses, many of which are already rotten and dilapidated.
He was particularly interested in wayside crosses, which were also provided with a "kissing nail". This kissing nail was kissed by pilgrims or hikers and they thus obtained an indulgence, i.e. forgiveness of their sins. Four of these crosses were made by Mr. Ederer exactly according to the old patterns, which were created about 130 years ago by an unknown person. What they all had in common was the depiction of 12 stars, the sun and moon as well as the signs of Jesus and Mary. These symbols were painted under the roof of the cross, the background was blue in each case and was intended to symbolize the sky.
The so-called "Almenland crosses" were not painted by Mr. Ederer until then, but he made the symbols in half relief in the same type of wood (larch) as the cross.
Now, by chance, Mr. Ederer came across a different kind of cross: the side edges under the roof were not straight but curved and the signs of Mary and Jesus were embedded in a kind of medallion. Now he has also recreated this cross with the original dimensions and built it true to life. The background of the cross is blue (sky) and 12 stars have been painted on each side under the roof. As in times gone by, they are intended to provide orientation and show people the right way. The number 12 results from the numbers 3 times 4. 3 is the number of God (Trinity) and 4 is the number of the world (4 cardinal points).
The symbolic power of the sun and moon goes back to the beginning of human history. In Christianity, the sun is often equated with Christ. Just as the sun makes the moon shine and both illuminate the earth, the church receives all its light from Christ and both illuminate the souls of people. This painted cross bears the date 1876, the maker is unknown. Unfortunately, none of the crosses mentioned above are still in existence.
Franz Ederer
Dorf 162
8171 St. Kathrein am Offenegg
Phone: 0043 664/9500998
E-mail: franz.ederer (at) ratschenbauer. at
Web: www.ratschenbauer.at
Old customs rediscovered
A few old ratchets were soon found as models, but that was not enough for Mr. Ederer. He went to the university library and really found what he was looking for: There was a diploma thesis on the subject of ratchets by a Lower Austrian called Kurt van Lindthaut (Ratchets in north-eastern Lower Austria, Gänserndorf district). The author of this thesis had unfortunately already died, but his widow was pleased that Mr. Ederer needed this thesis as a basis for his work.
There were now many ratchets and rattles, large and small, chest ratchets, tower ratchets and smaller wing ratchets, all meticulously described, including the common ratchet sayings. Mr. Ederer made 78 ratchets for this youth brass band, a total of 13 different models.
In 2004, these ratchet children rattled around the church during Easter and recited their sayings.
Mr. Ederer contacted the Styrian Folk Song Society and immediately found an enthusiastic partner in Herbert Krienzer. Ratchet-making courses were organized through the Volksliedwerk, first in Stübing and later in other places. But Mr. Ederer wanted to do everything even more thoroughly. He tried to find partners who could also scientifically underpin this tradition and ratchet making. So on the one hand he turned to the young folklorist Johanna Paar, who was to research the ratchet tradition in Styria.
The second path led him to the HTL Weiz in the hope that technical drawings of ratchets could be made there as part of the lessons. Ms. Paar took up her work, and the HTL teachers and pupils were enthusiastic about the idea. Mr. Ederer produced a further 13 models, bringing the total to 26, and not only were technical drawings made of all of them, but instructions for assembly were also formulated.
From idea to dream and perhaps also to realization
Today, Mr. Ederer is in the process of making even more ratchet models and it would be his dream if his initiative would lead to the creation of a "Almenland - Ratchet Construction Competence Centre" in St. Kathrein am Offenegg, where you can not only read the relevant literature , but alsoview the individual modelson site and get instructions on how to reproduce them.
Volksliedwerk Steiermark
Mag. Herbert Krienzer
Phone: 0043 316/8772660
E-Mail: herbert.krienzer (at) stmk.gv. at
Web: www.steirisches-volksliedwerk.at
Franz Ederer
Dorf 162
8171 St. Kathrein am Offenegg
Phone: 0043 664/9500998
E-Mail: franz.ederer (at) ratschenbauer. at
Web: www.ratschenbauer.at
Tried and tested from nature
Ribbon fencing has been used in Almenland for over a hundred years to fence cattle and sheep on farms and mountain pastures. The material is taken from the forest and made on the spot. The name ribbon fence comes from the spruce branches, which are called ribbons and give the fence the right strength when wrapped around the posts. A real ribbon fence requires a lot of craftsmanship.
- Spruce poles of 4 m - 6.3 m length are used, with 80% of the 6.3 m long ones being installed.
- The thickness of the sticks is 8-12 cm at the front and 5-7 cm at the back. They must be debarked on 3 strips or completely debarked.
- The uprights are larch branches, which can be slightly curved or straight, depending on the terrain. Also debarked on three sides. Length 1.7 - 2 meters. The uprights are on average 5-7 cm thick and tapered on the thick side (triangular point).
- The uprights are staggered in pairs at a distance of 65 - 75 cm. The holes are made with an iron bar where the stakes are inserted.
- The ribbons are green spruce branches and are removed from a 30 to 40 year old stand without damaging the bark. The length is 1.6 - 2.52 m and 3 - 4 cm thick on the thick side. The branches must be very fresh, otherwise they are not suitable for turning around the uprights.
- The spruce branches, also known as ribbons, are heated and twisted around the uprights in a figure-eight shape. The poles are placed diagonally between them to ensure perfect stability.
- Depending on the desired height, 2 or 3 straps are screwed onto each pair of posts. The height of the finished fence is approx. 1.1 - 1.3 meters.
The fence is very dense, solid and adapts well to the terrain. It is therefore desired as an ornamental or garden fence for many houses, alpine huts, hunting lodges and weekend cabins. Depending on the soil conditions, the service life is 15 - 25 years. The fence can also be manufactured on a concrete base.
Schaffer Josef
Tober 125
8163 Fladnitz/T.
Phone: 0043 3179/23539
Strassegger Karl
Schrems 67
8163 Fladnitz/T.
Phone: 0043 3179/7176
Flicker Johann
Harissen 71
8172 Heilbrunn
Phone: 0043 3179/8516
Mobile: 0043 664/2337199
Weaving - a passion
Mrs. Kogler loves to weave. She has fully equipped her workshop and can fulfill every wish of her customers. From patchwork rugs and sheep's wool rugs to rugs and blankets made of loden fabric or wool. Everything is possible up to a width of 160 cm. The length and color combination can be individually designed.
Kogler Hildegard
Tulwitzviertl 4
8163 Fladnitz an der Teichalm
Phone: 0043 3126/8259