School programs

Experience the Almenland Nature Park up close!

Get to know the nature park Almenland from a different perspective, explore nature and experience the beauty of the landscape together with the trained nature and alpine guides. Together with Naturparke Steiermark, the seven Styrian nature parks have produced a folder with attractive programs for school classes. These take place in the respective nature parks and can be booked via the respective contact person.

Outdoor lessons

On the trail of wild animals

We show you forests, meadows and mountains from their "WILD" side. On an exciting exploration tour through the diverse habitats of wild animals, you will find out what deer, badgers and co. do all day long, you can try your hand at tracking and learn why climate change is also affecting our wild neighbors.

Suitable for: 1st - 12th grade

Learning objectives/competences

Topics/curriculum references

Securing the learning outcome

  • Recognize, name and classify animals and living organisms as well as plants and vegetation
  • Perceive, recognize and classify organisms in their ecosystems
  • Perceive, recognize and assign dependencies and interrelationships in habitats
  • Perceive, recognize and assign complex interrelationships (e.g. climate, economy, population development, biodiversity, administration,...)
  • Living creatures and ecosystems
  • Agriculture and forestry
  • Forms of cultural landscape and conflicts of use
  • Raw materials, energy, water
  • Sustainability and responsibility
  • Body, movement and sensory perception
  • Summaries of the content presented
  • Personal notes

Experts:Certified forest and hunting educators
Duration:3 teaching units
Best period:March to October
Equipment:Sturdy shoes, clothing adapted to the weather
Meeting point:Natural Worlds Styria (Mixnitz)
Price:Group up to 18 persons: € 140.00
Groups of 19 persons or more are split up, price by individual arrangement

Naturwelten Steiermark
office (at) naturwelten-steiermark. com
T: +43 3867/50234

warm - warmer - warmest

How does climate change affect the forest? ... Because the clocks tick differently in the forest. Which tree species have a good chance of surviving in warmer climatic conditions, and how important is water? What winners and losers does climate change create?

Suitable for: 2nd - 9th grade

Learning objectives/competences

Topics/curriculum references

Securing the learning outcome

  • Perceive, recognize and assign complex relationships (climate, biodiversity)
  • Recognize, name and classify animals and living organisms as well as plants and vegetation
  • Building, reflecting, assigning, summarizing, presenting and sharing knowledge
  • Develop, discuss, justify and substantiate assessments and attitudes (with reference to their own lifeworld)
  • Natural sciences and mathematics
  • Living creatures and ecosystems
  • Forms of cultural landscape and conflicts of use
  • Diversity and values
  • Sustainability and responsibility
  • Agriculture and forestry
  • Summaries of the content presented
  • Assignment on the timeline

Experts:Certified forest educator Hermine Ponsold, Verein Wald erleben
Duration:3 teaching units
Best period:All year round
Equipment:Sturdy shoes, clothing adapted to the weather (1 layer more), seat mat
Meeting point:by arrangement
Price:Group up to 18 persons: € 120,00
Group from 19 persons: € 160,00

Hermine Ponsold
walderleben.weiz (at) gmail. com
T: +43 664/1155085

Her Majesty's residence

Ants - a strong jaw, a slim waist and six legs. They weigh more biomass than all the world's mammals put together, and yet they are endangered. How does an ant see the world? With a built-in air conditioning system in their nest, these creatures are at the forefront, and what do blue-winged moths have to do with ants?

Form of learning - how do you learn?

  • Learning from a concrete example - exemplary, project-oriented learning
  • Learning by passing on, exploring and processing information

Specialist areas:

  • Mathematics and natural sciences
  • Creativity and design
  • Community, exercise and health

Suitable for: 2nd - 9th grade

Learning objectives/competences

Topics/curriculum references

Securing the learning outcome

  • Natural sciences and mathematics
  • Living creatures and ecosystems
  • Agriculture and forestry
  • Sustainability and responsibility
  • Diversity and values
  • Body, movement and sensory perception
  • Building, reflecting, assigning, summarizing, presenting and sharing knowledge
  • Ensure orientation, risk assessment and safety
  • Perceive and name animals and living creatures and classify them in a system
  • Perceive, recognize and assign dependencies and interrelationships in habitats
  • Invent, create and design - develop creativity
  • Summaries of the content presented

Experts:certified forest educator Hermine Ponsold, Verein Wald erleben
Duration:3 teaching units
Best period:All year round
Equipment:Sturdy shoes, clothing adapted to the weather (1 layer more), seat mat
Meeting point:by arrangement
Price:Group up to 18 persons: € 120,00
Group from 19 persons: € 160,00

Hermine Ponsold
walderleben.weiz (at) gmail. com
T: +43 664/1155085

The shape and the green

What makes a tree? Any master builder would be proud if he could build a column with so few foundations and yet still be able to move. How does photosynthesis work? Learn to distinguish individual tree species. How many trees are there in a forest?

Form of learning - how do you learn?

  • Learning by passing on, exploring and processing information
  • Learning through practice and repetition

Specialist areas:

  • Mathematics and natural sciences
  • History, society and values
  • Creativity and design

Suitable for: 2nd - 9th grade

Learning objectives/competences

Topics/curriculum references

Securing the learning outcome

  • Natural sciences and mathematics
  • Living creatures and ecosystems
  • Buildings and construction
  • Agriculture and forestry
  • Diversity and values
  • Creativity and design
  • Building, reflecting, assigning, summarizing, presenting and sharing knowledge
  • Working with quantities and numbers (estimating, measuring, representing, calculating)
  • Perceive, recognize and classify organisms in their ecosystems
  • Perceive, name and classify plants and vegetation
  • Ensure orientation, risk assessment and safety
  • Summaries of the content presented

Experts:certified forest educator Hermine Ponsold, Verein Wald erleben
Duration:3 teaching units
Best period:All year round
Equipment:Sturdy shoes, clothing adapted to the weather (1 layer more), seat mat
Meeting point:by arrangement
Price:Group up to 18 persons: € 120,00
Group from 19 persons: € 160,00

Hermine Ponsold
walderleben.weiz (at) gmail. com
T: +43 664/1155085

Fall - Winter - Spring - Summer

See the forest with different eyes and get to know it in the different seasons. The forest ecosystem is home to a large number of creatures that live in the individual storeys. Discover the connections and cycles in nature with all your senses.

In the fall, we focus on leaf fall and preparing animals and plants for the winter. Winter is the time for woodwork. In spring, the tender green sprouts and the birds chirp. In summer, we take a close look at the forest floor.

Form of learning - how do you learn?

  • Learning through play and experimentation - exploratory, research-based learning
  • Learning by example - exemplary, project-oriented learning

Specialist areas:

  • Mathematics and natural sciences
  • Creativity and design
  • Community, exercise and health

Suitable for: 2nd - 9th grade

Learning objectives/competences

Topics/curriculum references

Securing the learning outcome

  • Natural sciences and mathematics
  • Body, movement and sensory perception
  • Groups and communities
  • Living creatures and ecosystems
  • Agriculture and forestry
  • Diversity and values
  • Building, reflecting, assigning, summarizing, presenting and sharing knowledge
  • Ensure orientation, risk assessment and safety
  • Invent, create and design - develop creativity
  • Perceive, recognize and classify organisms in their ecosystems
  • More detailed information
  • Discovered

Experts:certified forest educator Hermine Ponsold, Verein Wald erleben
Duration:3 teaching units
Best period:All year round
Equipment:Sturdy shoes, clothing adapted to the weather (1 layer more), seat mat
Meeting point:by arrangement
Price:Group up to 18 persons: € 120,00
Group from 19 persons: € 160,00

Hermine Ponsold
walderleben.weiz (at) gmail. com
T: +43 664/1155085

Outdoor courtyard

For children, young people, families, companies, institutions & apprentices!

In the camps and workshops, Anita and Harald focus on specific goals that are appropriate to the tasks and the situation. In this way, they want to show the participants new ways and enable them to experience exciting adventures and learn something new in the process.

They use nature as our playground because it offers us plenty of space to discover and explore. Whether indoors or outdoors, they design the activities in places that are desired and focus on different themes.

Nature is a great place to learn and develop! 



Location of the farm

  • Education
  • Development
  • Seminars
  • Workshops
  • Trainings
  • Camps
  • Further education and training
  • Adventure and experience hikes for families and groups
  • Joint flora and fauna hikes
  • Sensory hikes through the Raabklamm gorge
  • Herbal educational hikes
  • Pony hikes in the gorge

The outdoor farm, also known as Havokmoarhof,

is a historic old farm located at the foot of the Gösser,

directly on the hiking trails to the Raabklamm gorge, in the immediate vicinity

to Grasslhöhle and Katerloch. 

Experts:Anita Schwarhofer & Harald Mögle
Duration:by arrangement
Best period:All year round
Equipment:Sturdy shoes, clothing adapted to the weather (1 extra layer)
Meeting point:by arrangement
Price:by arrangement

Anita Schwarhofer & Harald Mögle
Haufenreith 41
8162 Passail
T: +43 664/5155498

Move - Network - Be

"... the forest is a miracle and has these in store for us."

The children can and will experience nature with all their senses - feel, touch, hear, see and taste. They can let off steam, scream, run around, but also find peace and quiet, find a nest for themselves, build a cave for themselves. Nature is a protective space of experience that allows mistakes to be made and makes learning possible. Children will draw new strength and ideas and strengthen their immune system at the same time.

Please call 0664/4173083 to register for the offers (minimum 6 persons).

Expert:Birgit Pierer
Training courses:Forest educator, social pedagogue, mom of 3
Best period:All year round
Meeting point:by arrangement
Price:by arrangement

Birgit Pierer
Fladnitz 180
8163 Fladnitz/Teichalm
T: +43 664/4173083

Experiences and excursions for school groups

School on the farm - from grass to milk

We open our barn door for a special kind of experience. School on the farm gives children and young people a genuine, hands-on insight into agriculture and, in our case, the dairy industry. Experience what it's like to milk a cow with your bare hands and drink the freshly milked milk directly from the cow's udder. The children and young people are actively involved in farming activities. The hands-on experience and the enjoyable tasting excites both younger and older children and promotes healthy, responsible eating habits. "Food is more appreciated when people experience how much effort and responsibility goes into its production. The active farmers teach young consumers how to treat the natural environment responsibly, to understand animal welfare and the quality of regional food".

Experiences are lessons learned that remain.

Suitable for: 3rd - 9th grade

Experts:Organic farmer Verena Eibisberger
Duration:approx. 3 hours
Best period:All year round
Equipment: Good shoes and clothes that can get dirty.
Meeting point:Organic farm Eibisberger, Hart 5, 8162 Passail
Price:€ 8,00 per child

Verena Eibisberger
T: +43 664/4344185

Up to the mountain pasture

On a short hike along the moor nature trail and the Teichalm, you can learn a lot about the history and origins of the Teichalm and its inhabitants. There is also plenty of time to take a closer look at the plants and animals along the way and marvel at nature 's inventions.

Suitable for: 1st - 9th grade

Experts:Nature mediator Ingrid Pistotnik
Duration:approx. 3.5 to 4 hours
Best period:April to October
Equipment:Hiking boots, anorak, drink, snack
Meeting point:Parking lot Teichalmsee at the Almladen/boat rental
Price:€ 10.00 per child (discount for nature park schools)

Ingrid Pistotnik
ingrid.pistotnik (at) aon. at
T: +43 664/75013916

Climbing and exercise fun for young and old!

A high ropes course with 9 courses and over 70 exercises at different levels of difficulty. Particularly exciting: 250 m of pure Flying Fox course and a course with a "free fall" from a height of approx. 10 meters! The highlight for the little ones: The forest movement garden, a "mini climbing garden" with specially developed movement elements to develop motor skills. The perfect end to the day can be found in the cozy Almpark Jausnerei!

Suitable: 1st - 7th grade

Duration:2 hours
Best period:May to October
Equipment:good footwear
Meeting point:AlmErlebnispark Teichalm
Price:Elementary school (courses 1-4): € 9.00
Secondary school (courses 1-5): € 11.00
15 - 18 years (all courses): € 15.00
Registration:Pierer Gastronomie GmbH
info (at) almpark. at
T: +43 664/88248202

From the spring to the rushing stream

Experience water with all your senses and explore the surroundings. Movement, building up knowledge, observing, classifying and documenting the natural treasures of the stream bed. Afterwards, we will carve an elder pipe and organize a final concert.

Suitable: 1st - 7th grade

Expert:Nature mediator Maria Hirschböck
Duration:3.5 hours
Best period:April to October
Equipment:Bathing shoes, sandals or rubber boots, change of clothes, change of shoes
Meeting point:Quarter
Price:€10,00 per child
Registration:Maria Hirschböck, Naturcoaching
maria.hirschboeck (at) gmx. at
T: +43 664/9249499

Mixnitz Dragon Cave

An impressive portal in the mountain leads to the legendary dragon's cave. It is located approx. 500 meters above the Mixnitz starting point on the western slope of the Röthelstein. Even in prehistoric times, around 50,000 years ago, it was sought out by humans, bears and wolves as a place of retreat. Entry to the cave is only permitted as part of a guided tour.

Suitable: 3rd - 12th grade


Experts:State-certified cave guides
Duration:approx. 4 hours
Best period:on request May to September
Equipment:Good hiking equipment, sturdy shoes, spare underwear, work gloves, snack, drinks, light source, helmet, warm clothing
Meeting point:Heubergstrasse 32
Price:€ 4,00 per child
Registration:Drachenhöhle Pernegg
T: +43 676/6308474

Golf to discover

Group golf courses for the young generation too. During a visit to the golf course Almenland, which is beautifully integrated into Almenland , you can gain your first experience with irons, woods, putters and the little white golf ball while discovering the fascination of the trend sport par excellence.

Suitable for: 1st - 9th grade

Experts: Coaches of the golf club
Duration:2 hours
Best period:Spring to fall
Equipment:Sturdy shoes and lots of fun
Meeting point:Clubhouse Golfclub Almenland
Price:€ 10,00 per child / from 10 participants

Golfclub Almenland
office (at) almenlandgolf. at
T: +43 3179/27799

Beekeeping at Almenland-Imkerei Kreiner

How do bees make honeycombs? How long do bees live? Where does beeswax come from? Why do the combs darken? How old does the queen grow? There are logical answers to many questions. The diverse ingredients of honey are illustrated using the "honey fan". The essential difference between household sugar and honey is also explained. The processes in the bee colony are explained using a film with wonderful close-ups.

Suitable for: 1st - 9th grade

Expert:Karl Kreiner
Duration:1.5 hours
Best period:Spring to fall
Equipment:No equipment necessary
Price:Single classes: € 4.00 per child
Double classes: € 3.00 per child
Registration:Almenland-Imkerei Kreiner
office (at) imker. at
T: +43 676/5049280

"Come who wools" - spinners welcome

Karina Neuhold is sheep-like - and crazy. She will explain to you herself how this fits together. Along her wool trail, we learn about the importance of different sheep breeds for landscape conservation. And then we can get hands-on: Wool is spun like in a fairy tale. We intertwine the wool fibers with skill while felting in warm soapy water. The result has nothing to hide from "modern" materials.

Suitable for: 1st - 9th grade


Expert:Schafbäurn Karina Neuhold
Duration:2.5 - 3 hours
Best period:All year round


Meeting point:Sheep farm Karina Neuhold
Price:from € 8.00 per child

Sheep farm Karina Neuhold
wohlig (at) karinas-wollwelt. at
T: +43 664/4473404

Under the ground and back again

"Because you have a heart like a mine": In the heart of Arzberg lies the old silver mine. And what lies beneath the ground there gets under your skin. Formative experiences where we get to know both sides of the coin - including the working conditions underground. And what else moves the world is revealed by the recordings of the seismographs installed in the mine.

Suitable for: 1st - 9th grade

Duration:approx. 1.5 hours
Best period:Spring to fall
Equipment:sturdy shoes, warm clothing
Meeting point:Approach to the show gallery, Arzberg (opposite the parish church)
Price:€ 4.00 per student (incl. protective clothing and helmet)

Marktgemeinde Passail
dagmar.pieber (at) passail. at
T: +43 3179/2330023

Forest and lots of WOW!

In the forest, you should not only look very closely, you also have to prick up your ears. Like the tree telephone. In addition to information on the individual animal species, there is also a mushroom trail that shows which ones you should rather not eat. For kindergarten groups and school classes up to grade 9, we offer age-appropriate guided tours as part of our forest education program. The children learn interesting facts about the forest and experience it with all their senses - making learning fun!

Suitable for: 1st - 9th grade

Experts:Forest educators
Duration:approx. 2 hours, allow time to play afterwards
Best period:April to November
Equipment:sturdy shoes
Meeting point:Hochreiter forest park
Price:€ 8.50 per child (admission + guided tour)

Waldpark Hochreiter
wow(at) waldpark. at
T: +43 664/4443745

Accommodation for school groups

Pension Elmer

3-star accommodation in Fladnitz an der Teichalm
Pension Elmer is ideal for larger groups, especially school groups, as the wide range of leisure activities keeps young people on their toes. From the indoor pool to sports fields and bike rental - here you will find the right program for project days or school camps.

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Almenland Apartment

Apartments in Passail
The Almenland apartments offer enough space for larger groups, especially school groups. A wide range of leisure activities with a swimming lake, soccer pitches, a curling hall, beach volleyball courts, bike rental and much more await exciting project days or school weeks. 

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Jufa Hotel Weiz

The JUFA Hotel Weiz***s in the "QuartierE" is perfect for active vacations with large groups. Extensive routes lead directly from the hotel for hiking and cycling in the gently undulating surroundings of Eastern Styria.

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Jufa Hotel Stubenbergsee

The JUFA Hotel Stubenbergsee*** with the lake of the same name right on the doorstep is the ideal starting point for school groups to experience relaxing and active vacation days in the Styrian apple and thermal spa region. Whether swimming, visits to the thermal baths or sporting activities - the region around the Stubenbergsee has a lot to offer.

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Jufa Hotel Weitental / Bruck an der Mur

Vacation at the gates of Vienna and yet in the Alps! The JUFA Hotel im Weitental/Bruck a. d. Mur***, surrounded by forests, meadows and springs, is located in the idyllic Weitental nature conservation center in the south of the historic town of Bruck an der Mur.

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Here you can browse through the entire school program "Lernraum Natur" of all Styrian Nature Parks online!

To the program