10 principles for cyclists / Styria

For good cooperation on paths and roads

  • Pedestrians have priority: we are considerate and friendly to pedestrians and hikers, and we make ourselves audibly known when we meet them
  • Respect for nature: we leave no waste behind and avoid unnecessary noise, out of consideration for wildlife we only mountain bike in full daylight
  • Only ride on paths: we never ride off marked roads and paths
  • Drive on sight: we drive at a controlled speed and are always ready to brake, we anticipate oncoming traffic and therefore drive on sight
  • Never ride without a helmet: we always ride with a helmet as a matter of principle - for our own health
  • Observe the rules: we also observe the road traffic regulations on trails, we mountain bikers only use marked trails and observe driving bans (logging work!)
  • Grazing cattle: we approach the grazing cattle at walking pace, thus avoiding the animals' flight and panic reactions
  • Only use technically flawless bikes: we check and maintain our bikes regularly
  • Take an emergency kit with you: a repair kit and bandages are often helpful
  • Correct self-assessment: we do not overtax ourselves in terms of riding technique or fitness

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