Looking back - looking forward!

Chronicle of innovation - 25 years of the nature park Almenland

To mark the 25th anniversary of the " AlmenlandNature Park" region, a "Chronicle of Innovation" has been compiled. It is a comprehensive book of almost 250 pages, which is supported by public funds. According to the motto: "Where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?" it describes the development of the 6 member municipalities over the last 25 years. The Almenland has become a pearl of Europe, a jewel in Austria and a wonderful, vibrant and yet natural home for its inhabitants. 

"Behind every project, behind every initiative, there is a person and behind every person there is a story. My aim was to find them, to find out where and how ideas are born and where the motivation for cohesion lies," says author Karl Oswald. Almenland is full of history and stories, a country worth seeing and living in. A country shaped by the times, the people, their culture and their innovative strength. Not shouting loudly like the trend of the times, but quietly and unobtrusively, but all the more warmly.
The commemorative publication contains a collection of future-oriented Leader projects as well as stories from the past. How our ancestors did a lot with very little.
Especially in times of the corona pandemic, "reading" is being rediscovered as a meaningful leisure activity. "The chronicle is reading material that brings us closer to the knowledge of our homeland in a wonderful way and should therefore find its place in every household in the Almenland Nature Park," says Chairman Mayor Erwin Gruber.

People who trust in their roots do not take a step backwards, they simply take a run-up. (Karl Oswald)

How do I access my chronicle?

The Almenland chronicle is available from the Almenland office. There are other points of sale in the region (department stores, municipal offices, post offices etc.). The best place to find out where the chronicles are available is at the municipal offices.


  • Price: the chronicle costs € 20.00 incl. VAT.
  • Scope: 240 pages
  • Presentation: A4 format, hardcover

The chronicle can be purchased at the Almenland office (Fladnitz 100, 8163 Fladnitz/T.). We will also be happy to send it to you by post. This will be sent by cash on delivery (plus € 9.50 postage + cash on delivery charge). 

Order chronicle

Further points of sale:

  • Municipal office St. Kathrein/O.
  • Passail municipal office
  • Department store Reisinger in Passail
  • Municipal office Breitenau/H.
  • Municipal office Gasen
  • Pichler department store + petrol station in Breitenau/H.
  • Haas bookstore in Weiz
  • Bookstore Plautz in Gleisdorf
  • Book & Paper Corner Heschl in Birkfeld

Contact & Order

Almenland Nature Park

Fladnitz 100
8163 Fladnitz/Teichalm
Phone: 0043 3179/23000
E-mail: almenland (at) oststeiermark. com

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