Focal points of the KEM implementation concept

The climate and energy model regions are a key instrument for implementing the Austrian federal government's goal of becoming independent of fossil fuels by 2050. The climate-friendly nature park Almenland aims to make the region less dependent on fossil/nuclear energy sources. The focus is on self-sufficiency with renewable energies and innovative energy efficiency measures. The basis for the implementation concept is a total of ten KEM measures, which will be the focus over the next few years and are intended to drive forward the renewable energy transition:

Measure 1

"Let the sun shine!" 

Photovoltaic and solar thermal systems are one of the most popular forms of renewable energy among the population. There is a great deal of potential in the area of solar energy use and a great deal of effort is required for further PV and solar thermal systems in order to achieve the expansion targets of the climate and energy strategy. The combination of optimized PV systems, energy management, electricity storage and solar thermal systems with buffer storage should increase the autonomy and degree of self-sufficiency of the operators and at the same time compensate for the decreasing subsidies. Furthermore, energy communities are a powerful instrument for locally produced and consumed PV electricity.

Measure 2

"Climate-friendly awareness-raising for children" 

In the nature park Almenland there are a large number of kindergartens and schools, some of which already meet higher requirements and criteria in dealing with nature through the "Nature Park Schools" model. With this measure, many other climate-relevant contents are to be coordinated with the kindergartens, schools and young people (in apprenticeships, etc.) and communicated to the model region manager in order to win them over as multipliers for the future. The pupils and young people should gain an insight into the connections between climate change and climate protection as well as knowledge in the area of conscious consumption and a sustainable lifestyle.

Measure 3

"Get out of fossil fuels and increase efficiency"

The "Raus aus Öl" campaign from the Climate Fund is a very attractive subsidy that promises to have a major leverage effect. This subsidy, the renovation cheque and other possible subsidies from the state and local authorities are to be further disseminated to the population in this measure. In cooperation with the municipalities, the KEM Energieregion Weiz-Gleisdorf (among others), the Styrian Energy Agency and the heating plant operators, an analysis of the AGWR data in the 6 nature park municipalities will be carried out and a kind of heat atlas with potentials for renewable heat will be created. This potential is to be addressed directly via the KEM and its partners.

Measure 4

"Innovative minds from the nature park Almenland"

In the region, there are a large number of interesting projects and implementations in the field of climate protection with many innovative minds that are to be brought to the fore with this measure. The aim is to motivate the population to get involved themselves. In some cases, it is also intended to answer questions from residents about the implementation and possible challenges relating to climate protection and energy.

Measure 5

"Sustainable mobility in rural areas"

The topic of mobility and public transport poses a major challenge in rural areas - especially in the nature park Almenland with its extensive areas. In this measure, the experiences and results of ongoing projects (e.g. RESPEKT) should help to look at the topic from new perspectives and with new (technical) possibilities and approaches. Topics such as the "mobility ranger", the "excursion bus" or a possible "parking space management" in the Teichalm/Sommeralm area with earmarking for mobility should be supported by the KEM with its possibilities.

Measure 6

"Storage and distribution of energy in the nature park Almenland"

This measure is about the storage and sensible distribution of renewable electricity and heat in the nature park Almenland. In the electricity sector, this mainly concerns photovoltaic systems, but also other generation plants such as hydropower, (small) wind power or CHP. As production and consumption do not always match, there are several approaches to using electricity "better" in terms of economic efficiency and grid conditions. In renewable heat distribution and storage, the approaches and results from KEM pilot projects, among others, should lead to the support, optimization and expansion of existing local/district heating systems.

Measure 7

"YES we KEM" - energy representatives from the nature park Almenland

In order to better understand the needs of people in the area of climate, environmental and energy issues in rural areas, so-called "YES we KEM" energy representatives have been set up to work on their core concerns. The aim is to create a network of "YES we KEM" people who work together to promote and support the topic. In this network, for example, topics/working groups will be set up, information and further training offered and suitable (public) event formats implemented: e.g. information events, excursions, regulars' tables, (municipal) energy (saving) competitions, brunches, etc.

Measure 8

"Municipal energy monitoring and vehicle fleet analysis"

Energy monitoring with EBO is to be introduced in all 6 municipalities of the KEM by 2024 for sustainable building and system optimization. At least the 5 most energy-relevant public properties/buildings in each municipality will be recorded and analyzed. Accompanied by the Styrian Energy Agency, the key figures are collected and entered into the online system. The aim of this is to derive recommendations for action for the respective municipality and to provide arguments for improvements. As part of this process, the complete vehicle fleet (e.g. tractors, school buses) of each municipality is also surveyed. The switch to electric alternatives or sharing options will be evaluated and discussed with the people and decision-makers concerned.

Measure 9

"Circular economy and resource conservation"

The general trend towards a consumer and throwaway society is to be counteracted with selective measures. The aim is to establish an exchange and repair society. The KEM aims to increase the use of regional resources, e.g. by making regional potentials, products and services visible. The conservation of resources is an important contribution to environmental protection. This also includes repairing objects and imparting knowledge on how this can be done. More repair cafés are to be set up for this purpose. 

Measure 10

"Awareness-raising and public relations work"

Positive communication is an important principle in our KEM public relations work: KEM aims to communicate in a motivating way and not to work with threatening scenarios. The authenticity of communication through various measures is also a priority. We want to motivate the population to join us on the path to a sustainable energy future. 

Climate and energy model region
Model region manager Martin Auer

Dorfplatz 1
8616 Gasen
Phone: 0043 664/8514441
E-mail: martin.auer (at) almenland. at

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