Active for the energy transition: Our local initiatives
Our region is actively committed to climate protection and the energy transition . Here you will find all current and future projects & events that are helping to make our region more sustainable and fit for the future. Our events bring together citizens, experts and decision-makers to share knowledge, discuss innovative ideas and develop practical solutions for a sustainable future. Whether workshops, lectures, excursions or discussion panels - our events offer a wide range of opportunities to gather information, exchange ideas and take action. Our projects show what sustainable development can look like in practice. From the promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency measures to education and awareness-raising - we implement concrete measures to make our region fit for the future.

Projects & events already implemented
Shortage of specialists in the field of energy transition with role clarification for the KEM manager

We are part of the flagship project "Skills shortage in the energy transition with role clarification for the KEM manager"
The aim of the project is to strengthen the KEM region by attracting new workers/specialists for the climate professions (especially in connection with the Renewable Energy Expansion Act and the Renewable Heat Act) while at the same time clarifying and strengthening the role of KEM managers for this new challenging subject area. The target group of the lead project are companies in the region as well as young people and adults who want to pursue a career in the field of energy transition.
Based on an online survey and 2 systemic constellations, a regional strategy is developed and an implementation measure is carried out.
Project period: June 2024 to May 2025
Project sponsor: Association SIKAlp - Institute for Strengthening Identity and Climate Protection in the Alpine Region
External supervisors: Christian Luttenberger, Markus Berchtold
Participating KEMs:
KEM Ökoenergieregion Fürstenfeld, Mag. Joachim Friessnig
KEM Climate-friendly Nature Park Almenland, Mag. Martin Auer
KEM Future Stubai Valley, Roland Zankl
KEM KLIMAFIT Wipptal, Claudia Hackhofer
Repaircafe in Breitenau & repair bonus
What do you do with a small electrical appliance or garden tool that no longer works?
Throw them away? No thanks!
The Repair Café is entering its 7th round and this time there is also the opportunity to bring along broken items and repair them together!
- Friday, May 10, 2024
- 14:30 - 17:30
- Armory of the FF Breitenau/H. (St. Jakob 12, 8614)
Repair bonus: Repairing electrical appliances. Save up to 50% of the costs and protect the environment! Information and details at
Light in the funding jungle
- Wednesday, March 13, 2024
- 7:00 p.m.
- Community workshop St. Kathrein a. Off
KEM Manager Martin Auer provides information on current federal and state subsidies in the areas of electricity, heat, mobility and renovation.
Information & registration:
Gemeindeamt | 03179/8231 |
Robert Santner | 0677/62784540 |
Hannah Peßl | 0664/9260662 |
Final report KEM lead project STARK mit SYSTEM

Over the past 12 months, we in KEM Management have worked with 5 other KEMs in Austria on complex issues using the "Systemic Coaching" and "Systemic Constellations" methods. The project was funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and carried out as part of the "KEM flagship projects" program. Topics included young people's enthusiasm for climate protection, the role of KEM management, behavioral changes among citizens and decision-makers, dealing with vacancies and the renovation of buildings.
Project information:
Project period: 15.02.2023 - 14.02.2024
Work packages:
- 8 monthly systemic coaching sessions
- 2 systemic constellations
- 1 Practical guide "STRONG with SYSTEM"
- 1 Austria-wide dissemination workshop for KEM managers
The project has provided valuable insights and identified success factors that help us to successfully manage the implementation of our measures. At the same time, the project has helped us gain new perspectives and improved our ability to fulfill our role as KEM managers even more effectively.
A day in the boiler room
- Saturday, October 28, 2023
- 08:00 a.m.
- in St. Kathrein a. Off
We would like to visit various heating systems in the municipality of St. Kathrein a. Off. and talk to the operators about their experiences.
The distance of 3 km will be covered on foot. If this is not possible for someone, the St. Kathrein/Off. fire brigade will provide a cab service.
- Start at the St. Kathrein a. Off. heating plant with information & breakfast
- Alexandra Gramsel & Walter Rinner family | 100% biomass district heating supply
- Margreth & Andreas Zisler family | Biomass heating, PV, storage & glass oasis
- Family Maria & Manfred Straßegger | Energy self-sufficiency with PV & geothermal heat pump
- Family Heidi & Karl Eder | PV, air heat pump & tiled stove
- Family Stefanie & Franz Pretterhofer | Pellets & log wood combination
- Sofie & Ewald Stadlhofer family | PV, storage, air heat pump & log wood system
- FF St. Kathrein/Off. | PV & storage with groundwater heat pump
Afterwards, there is a film screening and a small snack in the Rüsthaus.
Information & registration:
Gemeindeamt | 03179/8231 |
Robert Santner | 0677/62784540 |
Heat pump with solar energy
Free information event "Combination variants for the use of an air source heat pump in single-family homes in conjunction with photovoltaic technologies"
- Wednesday, September 20, 2023
- at 7.30 pm
- in St. Kathrein/O., community workshop
With the online kick-off workshop on 20.03.2023, we started the KEM lead project "STARK mit SYSTEM" together with the project managers from the SIKAlp association and the other 21 participating KEMs.
The KEM lead project "STARK mit SYSTEM" builds on the realization of the high workload of the KEM managers and aims to strengthen them through systemic support (8 systemic coaching sessions, 2 systemic constellations).
On the road to 100% renewable energy, some difficult challenges have not yet been solved using conventional methods. The reasons for the blockages are complex, the systemic view makes it possible to gain an overview and thus find new solutions.
For "my" KEM, I expect help in managing the implementation of our measures, a strengthening of our good cooperation in the KEM, the acquisition of new perspectives and thus the ability to better maintain the balance in the role of KEM manager.
Project information:
Project period: 15.02.2023 - 14.02.2024
Work packages: 8 monthly systemic coaching sessions
2 systemic constellations
1 Practical guide "STRONG with SYSTEM"
1 Austria-wide dissemination workshop for KEM managers
This project is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and implemented as part of the "KEM flagship projects" program.
Renewable energy communities
Climate change, renewable energies and the energy transition are key issues of our time. You as citizens also play a decisive role in our future, sustainable energy system:
In the future, everyone can contribute to the energy transition in the form of energy communities!
The international CLUE project is currently taking place, in which Energie Steiermark and the Almenland nature park are jointly representing a demo region. Further details on the project can be found at
Healthy living - sustainable and suitable for grandchildren!
Free information evening about a home made of 100% wood - Thoma Haus:
- Thursday, November 17, 2022
- at 19.00
- in the Kulturhaus Kaindorf
- Please register at office (at) oekoregion-kaindorf. at or by telephone on +43 3334 31426
You can find more detailed information and the information sheet here!
Heat from wood, electricity and the sun
Free information event
- Monday, March 21, 2022
- at 19.00
- in the community hall Pernegg an der Mur
- Please register at energie (at) almenland. at
You can find more detailed information and the information sheet here!
Climate-friendly heating and living - get out of fossil fuels!
Free information event:
- Saturday, March 12, 2022
- at 19.00
- in St. Kathrein/O., Kathreinerhaus
- Please register at energie (at) almenland. at
You can find more detailed information and the information sheet here!
KEM - "Quick BIO-NET" flagship project

Climate and energy model region managers receive new advisory tool
In the "Quick BIO-NET" lead project, a quick check tool was created for the initial analysis of local heating networks. This tool enables simple benchmarking and the determination of the status quo of local or district heating networks. By entering a few parameters of the heating plant, the various options for integrating new renewable energy technologies - e.g. solar thermal energy, photovoltaics, buffer storage, combined heat and power or waste heat - from industry and commerce are analyzed. The results of the tool form the basis for decisions on the further development and optimization of the heating plant. In the project, case studies from the participating climate and energy model regions were calculated and in some cases already documented during implementation.
The climate and energy model region managers are provided with a tool in the form of the Quick-Check-Tool, which provides initial answers to questions such as the economic efficiency of the overall system, winter and/or summer operation with solar integration, buffer storage, PV, CHP, etc. or grid expansion. This forms the basis for a fundamental decision and further detailed planning!
The project team - consisting of AEE INTEC, the Weiz Innovation Center, KEM Energiekultur Kulmland, KEM Holzwelt Murau and KEM Naturpark Almenland - was funded by the Climate and Energy Fund.
Farm walk with energy quiz
The municipality of Gasen organized a farm-to-farm hike and the climate-energy model region Almenland enriched this with an energy quiz:
Free energy consultation
Heat from wood - electricity from the sun:
Free advice day in Passail
on Friday, November 27, 2020, from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
- Modern heating systems
- Solar thermal systems
- Photovoltaic systems
- Power supply systems
- Direct subsidies
Get lucrative direct subsidies from the province of Styria and the federal government's "Raus aus dem Öl" bonus of up to € 8,7000.00 plus municipal subsidies for replacing old oil or coal boilers.
You can find detailed information at
Interested parties are asked to register by calling 0043 3172/303215674 or each person (max. 2 persons per household) will receive a separate appointment in compliance with the currently applicable Covid-19 distance and hygiene regulations.
1st Repair Café in Passail
Saturday, 03 October 2020
9.00 - 13.00
Begegnungszentrum Passail, Kirchengasse 1, 8162 Passail
What do you do with a screen that doesn't work? With a vacuum cleaner that is broken? A coffee machine that no longer makes coffee?
The Repair Café gives people the opportunity to bring along broken items and repair them together. Very often there is only a small problem that can be fixed quickly. Our aim is to make things usable for longer in order to avoid expensive new purchases, which in turn reduces waste.
Get involved in the Repair Café:
To register as a volunteer, simply get in touch with us!
Further information:
- Martin Auer, KEM Almenland: 0043 664/8514441
- Thomas Schweiger: 0043 664/2500115
- Elfi Willingshofer: 0043 664/5793872
Climate-friendly mobility for all
It was very quiet in Austria for a short time. The reduced volume of traffic has shown how clean the air and how quiet it can be on our roads. What should we learn from this? Climate-friendly mobility has a positive impact on our living environment and we can start now. Working from home from time to time, taking fewer flights or long-distance trips and leaving the car at home more often and traveling short distances by bike instead. Anyone who registers their cycling kilometers on the website can win great prizes.
Mobility Week 2020 - our region joins in.
During the EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK between September 16 and 22, test drives with an e-tuk-tuk (electric cargo bike, see photo) and test drives with the HANS e-car sharing car are planned in all 6 Almenland municipalities.
We will be at the following locations from 9:00 to 18:00 with the test vehicles for you: (subject to change)
- Wednesday, 16.9.2020, municipal office Pernegg/M.
- Thursday, 17.9.2020, municipal office Breitenau/H.
- Friday, 18.9.2020, municipal office Fladnitz/T.
- Saturday, 19.9.2020, Passail town hall
- Monday, 21.9.2020, St. Kathrein/O. Kathreinerhaus
- Tuesday, 22.9.2016, Municipality of Gasen, Stoanihaus
The farmers' get-together
Relevant topics on "energy" were discussed at the farmers' get-together. The farmers' get-together took place on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at the Edelbrennerei Graf distillery in St. Kathrein am Offenegg.
- Climate change and me! - Current KEM projects in the nature park Almenland and funding overview with Martin Auer (KEM Almenland)
- Photovoltaics - power storage - emergency power supply with Andreas Mayer (E1)
Test the app & secure €150!
Proper heating with biomass boilers needs to be learned, because clean combustion is essential for high efficiency and minimizing exhaust gases. In recent decades, a lot of research and development work has been invested in combustion technology for biomass heating systems, but user behavior also holds great potential.
This was demonstrated by the "CleanAir by biomass " project (Clean Air), which was carried out by the province of Styria from 2016 to 2019. In the follow-up project CleanAir II, the aim is to go one step further and raise public awareness of clean air through the use of domestic biomass. The project aims to achieve this goal through mobile infrastructure, awareness-raising, citizen science and the involvement of local and regional stakeholders and educational institutions.
The "FireMonitor" smartphone application was developed as part of the CleanAir II project. This makes it possible to bring research into people's living rooms. The FireMonitor app is used to document users' heating behavior. At the end of the project, participants receive feedback based on their recordings on how they can optimize their heating behaviour in order to generate fewer emissions.
The app is still in the test phase and is therefore dependent on a particularly large number of app testers. Do you have a log boiler in your boiler room, a tiled or Swedish stove or a table stove and would like to test the app? Then get in touch with Martin Auer (KEM Manger Naturpark Almenland) and download the app from the following links (Android and iOS, attention not available in the store!). The three most intensive app testers will be rewarded with € 150.00 vouchers! If you have any questions, please contact Martin Auer.

Clean Air ll

Clean Air ll
Heat (in) correctly!
Information and advice on the right way to heat with biomass!
- On Saturday, 14.12.2019
- from 14.00 to 19.00
- at the Kathreinerhaus, Dorf 99a, 8171 St. Kathrein am Offenegg
This is also the day of the annual, atmospheric "Advent'ln" on the Kathrein Advent Trail. Take the opportunity to stroll through the many stalls, sample the delicacies and visit the many great attractions on the Advent Trail with your loved ones. We look forward to your visit to St. Kathrein am Offenegg!
Cycling for the environment
95 climate and energy model regions have 1 common goal: to keep the rise in temperature in Austria to zero. Wherever possible, these regions and their climate and energy model regions (KEM) managers are doing their best to reduce CO2 emissions in Austria to a minimum in order to counteract climate change. During the Giro to Zero , two of these KEM managers from the Mühlviertel will cycle through Austria in five weekly stages on electric cargo bikes and visit all KEM regions. The Giro to Zero Tour will take you to the places where the work is being done, bring the actors in front of the curtain and give you an insight into the activities of the KEM regions. On the website they present the KEM projects of the year, some lighthouse projects, all KEM managers and their ride on the e-cargo bike across Austria.
The project has already been recognized as the KEM project of the year 2019.
June 23, 2019

From farmer to energy manager
We invite you to a free information event with the following content:
- Welcome and introduction: Josef Wumbauer, Johann Baumegger, Erwin Gruber
- Green energy for farmers and foresters - my "steirerAGRAR": Brigitte List (Energie Steiermark)
- Emergency power supply with generators + power storage: Andreas Mayer (E1)
- Energy efficiency in agriculture - strategies for more energy independence on the farm: Thomas Loibnegger (LK Steiermark)
- Current projects, funding overview with a focus on building refurbishment and heating conversion: Martin Auer (KEM Almenland)
Klimaversum exhibition in Passail
The interactive Klimaversum exhibition, which explores the global climate, was created by the Graz Children's Museum as part of the "Ich tu's Initiative für Energie und Klimaschutz" (I'm doing it initiative for energy and climate protection) of the Province of Styria. After a year in the Children's Museum, the exhibition was revised on behalf of the Province of Styria for a tour through Styria and is now making a stop at the Almenland Nature Park.
The climate and energy model region, the market town of Passail, the province of Styria and the Climate Alliance Styria invite you to the official opening of the traveling exhibition Klimaversum in the town hall in Passail on Monday, 04.02.2019. The exhibition will be opened there at 10:00 am in the presence of regional chairman Erwin Gruber, mayor Eva Karrer, KEM manager Martin Auer, Friedrich Hofer from Climate Alliance Styria and Member of Parliament Cornelia Schweiner. Afterwards, everyone can take a guided tour of the exhibition to gain an initial insight.
At various stations, visitors learn interactively how the weather works, why the Earth's climate is warming, how animals and plants deal with extreme heat or cold, how our own behavior contributes to climate change and what each individual can do to protect the climate. At the creative stations, visitors can make wind vanes or wind turbines, put on items of clothing from different regions of the world or become a reporter for a climate newspaper. As part of the exhibition, visitors can test whether it is faster to travel around the city by car or by bike.
E-car of the KEM region

The "climate school children" of the 6 elementary school Arzberg bei Passail, Breitenau/H., Fladnitz/T., Gasen, Neudorf b.P. and Passail have drawn their personal, environmentally friendly future. Many of these drawings can now be found on the e-car of the KEM region Climate Friendly Nature Park Almenland. The aim is to convey the children's messages to the Nature Park region Almenland and beyond. Many thanks to the children for this great work!
Wind + water + sun
Info event on November 22, 2018 at 6.30 pm in the Ritschi inn, Bahnstraße 6a, 8132 Pernegg/Mur.
Keynote speeches:
Stephan Traussnig, Gegor Taljan, Georg Mader
(E1, Energienetze Steiermark & Energie Steiermark)
- Opportunities and challenges of renewable energy (angled power plant, hydroelectric power plant, CHP & photovoltaics)
- Future trend: "Energy Communities": Intelligent networking of consumers and producers. What will change from 2020?
Martin Auer (KEM Almenland)
- KEM regions as the engine of renewable energy
On this evening, all interested parties will receive information and an overview of the above-mentioned topics. Afterwards, we invite you to an open discussion.
In addition, a day with an electric car will be raffled among all attendees!
"Green" family energy park on the Teichalm
Energie Steiermark launches cooperation project with the climate-friendly nature park Almenland!
The new "green" energy park for families on the Teichalm has now been opened at 1200 meters above sea level. Together with Almenland , Energie Steiermark aims to familiarize children and families with the most important facts about renewable energy as part of an interactive journey of discovery - a total of four play and quiz stations invite them to take a tour.
The energy park in the immediate vicinity of the Hotel Teichwirt, which is largely made from local wood, answers questions such as how energy generation works and what types of power plants there are. To illustrate this, a mini hydroelectric power station has also been integrated into the adventure tour through the park.
Christian Purrer, CEO of Energie Steiermark: "We are proud of the successful cooperation with Almenland. The energy park is intended to convey important information about renewable energy in a playful way and thus draw attention to the important topic of sustainability."
Peter Raith, Mayor of the municipality of Fladnitz an der Teichalm, is delighted "to have this pioneering family project in our municipality" and expects it "to make the recreational area even more attractive."
Erwin Gruber, Mayor of the municipality of Gasen and Chairman of Almendland: "Renewable energy is a very important topic for us, which connects us with Energie Steiermark, the preparation has been extremely attractive and will be a magnet for visitors to our region."
KEM region plans continuation
The climate and energy model region (KEM) "Climate-friendly nature park Almenland" has been in existence since 2016 and would now like to apply to the Climate Fund with its 6 member municipalities for continuation in the fall. The following dates have been set for finding and agreeing the measures for the continuation together with the population:
- Thursday, 27.09.2018, 18:00 - 20:00 at GH Knödelzeit Passail,
- Thursday, 04.10.2018, 18:00 - 20:00 in the Rüsthaus Breitenau a.H., St. Jakob 12, 8614 Breitenau am Hochlantsch
Proposals will be presented and new ideas sought on various key topics, such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, responsible consumption, organic farming, soft mobility, etc. The best ideas will then be incorporated into the measures for 2021.
Biomass + electricity storage - information evening
We provide information on the topic of "correct heating", the use of domestic biomass for energy and select the winner of the boiler casting! In the second part, we provide information on the current electricity storage funding from the federal government and the Almenland region.
- "Biomass - an indispensable partner in the energy mix" Christian Metschina (Head of the Energy and Biomass Department at LK Steiermark, Vice President of the Austrian Biomass Association)
- "Modern efficient biomass plants" (Herz Energietechnik GmbH)
- "24-hour sun is possible" Dietmar Staudacher (Technical Consultant, Fronius International GmbH)
Boiler casting
We are launching a "boiler casting" and are looking for the oldest boiler in use in our KEM regions (Naturpark Almenland and Energiekultur Kulmland).
There are prizes of up to € 10,000* for converting your old boiler to a new, modern and efficient biomass system from Herz.
From now until March 31, 2018, you can send photos (with boiler brand, type plate, etc.) including the year of construction of your boiler to energie (at) almenland. at or by post to KEM Naturpark Almenland, Dorfplatz 1, 8616 Gasen.
* uv. List price according to Herz Energietechnik price list, as of 2017, incl. VAT. The prize is a voucher of 50% off a Herz boiler up to a maximum amount of € 10,000. Not redeemable in cash.
Climate and energy model region
Model region manager Martin Auer
Dorfplatz 1
8616 Gasen
Phone: 0043 664/8514441
E-mail: martin.auer (at) almenland. at